On average 2% of every purchase through the online shops, online sales and promo codes will funds for your chosen cause.
Simply click on the shop logo and you will be transferred to the shops website where 2% of your purchase will be tracked back to your nominated cause.
When you register as a customer on the site you can nominate the local church or charity
you would like to support.
Simply click on the drop-down arrow and select your cause.
On average 2% of every purchase through the online shops, online sales and promo codes will go to support your nominated cause.
Just click on the log and you will be transferred to the online shop where you will purchase direct through the shops website.
It is simple and easy and every purchase supports your chosen cause.
Hundreds of shops all on one page, shops that you would normally shop at but with every purchase you are supporting your chosen cause.
You change the cause you want to support as often as you like.
Simply go to your dashboard and up date your account, click on the down arrow to change your nominated cause.